Overview Dutch

Funeral insurance

Planning your farewell ceremony, whether a funeral or a cremation, is personal and intimate. It is possible to record your wishes and ideas regarding your funeral or cremation in a statement. This can either be written by yourself or by a notary. This last will and testament must be signed and dated by you. If your wishes change in the course of time, you can always write a new declaration and revoke the previous one.

The decision to take out funeral insurance (Uitvaartverzekering) is voluntary and not required by law. If you do not have funeral insurance, your relatives will pay for the funeral or cremation. The municipality will cover the costs if there are no relatives, but they can then be deducted from your inheritance.

The tool is for Dutch citizens and expats new to the Netherlands and looking for suitable burial insurance.

Some important notes

No Advice

We provide an overview of various funeral insurance options in the Netherlands through a partner. However, it's essential to understand that we are not licensed insurance advisors and do not have authorisation from the Dutch Financial Markets Authority (AFM). Therefore, we are not qualified to provide specific advice on individual insurance offers or personal recommendations.

If you need detailed information about a funeral insurance offer, please contact the provider directly. They have the necessary expertise and qualifications to provide tailored advice and explanations about their products.

Dutch Market

Please also note that all insurance providers on our platform serve the Dutch market. So if you live, work or plan to move to the Netherlands, you will find many funeral insurance options here. However, if you live outside the Netherlands, some providers may be unable to offer their services.

It is important to note that not all providers offer services or support in English or German. This can be significant if you need help or have questions about your insurance. In addition, some providers may not accept German account numbers or telephone numbers. Therefore, checking these points with the provider before taking out insurance is advisable.

Earning Model

Please note that we may receive compensation for referring customers to providers. Our platform is funded by advertising, and we earn money when users click on advertisements or are redirected to a provider's website.


overviews and comparators

The Netherlands


Netherlands to Abolish Net Metering: Solar Industry in Turmoil

The announced abolition of the net metering scheme on 1 January 2027 in the Netherlands has caused significant upheaval in the solar industry. Manufacturers and installers of solar panels see their business models threatened, while supporters of the decision hope for a much-needed relief for the electricity grid. This article examines the net metering scheme's background, its abolition consequences, and the prospects for solar energy in the Netherlands.


Preservation of Net Metering Secures Future of Solar Panels

The controversial net metering regulation for solar panels, a central element in promoting renewable energies, will remain in place for the coming years. Despite plans by the caretaker cabinet to abolish this regulation, the Senate faction of GroenLinks-PvdA, with a decisive majority, has stood against the changes. This marks a significant victory for owners of solar panels and sends a strong signal in support of renewable energies.

Unprecedented Increase in Health Insurance Premium: DSW Raises Alarm Over Accessibility

DSW, a prominent health insurer in the Netherlands, has announced an unprecedented increase in the health insurance premium, amounting to €149 per month in 2024. This increase of €11.50 per month is the largest since introducing the Health Insurance Act in 2006. This development has set off alarm bells regarding the accessibility and affordability of healthcare in the Netherlands.

The small print
This platform provides information based on data obtained in cooperation with our partners. Although we make every effort to provide up-to-date and accurate data, we cannot fully guarantee the accuracy and completeness of this information. Therefore, we advise you to check all details carefully before deciding. We aim to give you an overview of the options available. However, it is up to you to make the final decision, and it is essential that you feel comfortable choosing an offer. Therefore, we ask you to read the terms and conditions thoroughly and clarify any issues directly with the provider before deciding on an offer.
Please note that we are not licensed insurance advisors and are not authorised by the Dutch Financial Supervisory Authority (AFM). Therefore, we are not qualified to give specific advice on individual offers or individual recommendations. Please also note that we may receive remuneration for referring clients to providers. Our platform is financed by advertising.
Please note that while we strive to present a wide range of options, we cannot guarantee that all options and providers available in the Netherlands will be displayed.
All providers on our platform cater to the Dutch market. However, please note that not all providers offer services or support in German or English. Additionally, some providers might not accept foreign account numbers or phone numbers. Please verify these points with the provider before you sign a contract.