News from the Netherlands

Energy, Telecommunications, Economy & more

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Rise in Poverty in the Netherlands

The Central Planning Bureau (CPB) has issued a grave warning: unless the government acts decisively, the number of Dutch citizens living in poverty could dramatically rise by 2024. This would mean that almost a million people, or 5.7% of the population, would be affected. For comparison, this figure stands at 4.8% this year.

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By Editorial, (comments: 0)

Power Shortages Impact Efteling: New Attraction and Hotel Face Challenges

Like hundreds of other businesses, Efteling is grappling with the effects of the overloaded power grid. Due to the current power shortage, the amusement park cannot operate its new attraction, Danse Macabre, and the hotel is under construction at total capacity during the winter months, reports the Brabants Dagblad. Consequently, the park is exploring creative solutions.

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