News from the Netherlands

Energy, Telecommunications, Economy & more

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May 2023: Inflation Rises to 6.1%

According to CBS data, inflation in the Netherlands rose to 6.1% in May 2023, up almost one percentage point compared to April (5.2%). On average, consumer goods and services were 6.1% more expensive than in May 2022. Without considering price developments of energy and motor fuels, inflation was as high as 7.9%.

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Energy giants Offer Settlements

Frisian lawyer Roelof de Nekker reports the first settlements of energy companies Vattenfall, Eneco and Essent, which are refunding hundreds to thousands of euros to customers for unilaterally raising energy prices. This follows a victory at the Amsterdam court, where De Nekker argued that these companies were guilty of unfair trading practices by driving up consumer tariffs for gas and electricity without offering their customers an alternative.

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